Ann Street Sun Shades




2Kings was asked to design a sun shade for a preschool + church playground that had lost its natural tree cover due to an aging canopy and subsequent hurricane and produced a shading solution that aesthetically fit with the existing architecture of the education building, as well as the surrounding historic district.

The challenge was to produce a shading solution that actually “worked”, utilizing very few vertical connections to the ground to maintain compliance with specific building codes and state regulations regarding playground equipment.

Our Role:

Site Analysis
Shading Options Analysis
Design of Shade Structure
Approval with Historic Preservation Committee


Solar studies were used to understand how the shade structure would perform during the hours that the playground would be in use by the children. The solar studies were run using NOAA data and geopositioned to the site to give accurate information that would ensure the shade structure would be both aesthetically pleasing but also perform properly as a shading device.